Bullseye Outdoor Sports
Bullseye Outdoor Sports

Smokeless Powders currently in stock

Until powder availability becomes more stable, I will try to keep a current list of the powders I have available.


Accurate Arms:

# 7



Bullseye, Power Pro 1200-R and Power Pro 4000-MR.



Benchmark, BL-C(2), CFE-Black, H322, H335, H380, H4350, H4831SC, Hi-Skor 700X, HP-38, HS-6, Leverevolution, Lil'Gun, Longshot, Pyrodex FFG, Superformance, Titegroup, Triple Seven FFG, and US869.



3031, 4198, 4895 & 7828SSC.



572, 748, Auto Comp, StaBall 6.5, StaBall HD, StaBall Match & Super Field.


Primers in stock

I finally have some primers!!

I have Federal large pistol primers, Fiocchi small pistol and small rifle primers, and CCI small pistol magnum primers.


I also have musket caps and percussion caps for black powder shooters.



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© Edwin Cook